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Proflax Puppy Power

29 points
In Stock (1)

SKU: Puppy Power 500ml Categories: Puppy Healthcare, Proflax

Ideal for all breeds of puppies to support their growth, health and wellbeing for the first 12-18 months.

Not recommended for puppies under the age of 8 weeks old. Not to be used if your puppy is known to be allergic/reactive to any of the ingredients listed or if your puppy is taking blood thinning medication (anticoagulants) /blood modulators. For dogs pre and post operation stop feeding 5 days prior to anaesthetic. Please check with your own vet first if your dog is taking any medication as herbs can sometimes affect their absorption.

The first 12-16 months of your pups life are critical as they form the foundations of their health and wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. The combination of a nutritious diet, mental stimulation, exercise, positive interaction with people and other animals plus lots of love make for a happy fur baby!

Your pups skin, bones, organs & nervous system grow at an astonishing rate in the first year or so. Juniors need lots more calories than adult dogs and require a higher amount of nutrients and essential fatty acids to support their rapid growth. A nutritious, healthy fresh diet is advised. We would also recommend supplementing your pups food with Puppy Power to ensure that they are getting sufficient amounts of these all important ingredients to support healthy growth and development.

Puppy Power is a vet approved premium, 100% natural, holistic superfood supplement which contains 8 active herbal tinctures; Nettle, Chamomile, Marshmallow Root, Calendula, Turmeric, Gotu Kola, Fennel and Fenugreek. The inclusion of flaxseed oil provides a balanced amount of Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids.

This fabulous ready blended formula includes ingredients that will support the growth and health of your pups bones, joints, circulation, heart, immune & nervous systems, help control intestinal hygiene, keep skin and coat clean & clear and breath fresh. It will aid focus and promote a sense of calmness which will help when socialising and training.

Puppy Power also contains 3 adaptogens which are a unique class of healing herbs that will help to keep your pup both physically and emotionally happy (for more information see adaptogenic herbs section of this website).

Feed once daily with regular food. Shake well before every use and store in the fridge to maintain freshness, suitable from 8 weeks old.

Currently available in 250ml only.

Key benefits;

  • Provides all important essential fatty acids to support the health of the heart, brain, circulation & digestive system
  • Aids intestinal hygiene 
  • Supports a healthy nervous system 
  • Keeps the skin and coat in good health
  • Supports healthy bones & joints
  • Calming
  • Holistic formula for physical and emotional wellbeing


75% pure cold pressed culinary grade flaxseed oil

25% herbal tincture blend consisting of;

Nettle: Great for keeping the skin and coat healthy and glossy. Aids circulation and maintains optimal bladder, digestive and kidney function. A powerful adaptogen and a rich source of phytonutrients;  chlorophyll, sterols, polyphenols, lignans and gallic acid. This herb has been known to contain iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C K and B.

Calendula: supports digestive & urinary health. Aids liver function and a healthy immune system. Supports a healthy skin and coat. Contains anti-oxidants in the form of flavonoids and carotenoids and lutein and beta-carotene, which are vitamin A carotenoids that work as anti-oxidants.

Chamomile: Aids digestion and supports intestinal hygiene. Maintains calmness for socialising & training.

Turmeric: A wonderful adaptogenic herb that contains a mix of phenolics known as curcumin which aids digestion and supports bone & joint health. This herb is known to contain a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, niacin, potassium and zinc.

Gotu Kola: Aids circulation and collagen production, supports a healthy nervous system, veins and blood vessels. A power house adaptogenic herb that is known to contain calcium, manganese, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins C and B.

Marshmallow Root: Supports intestinal & urinary health. Supports optimal respiration.  

Fennel: Contains vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, and potassium which help to support the immune system, eyes and bones. Aids good digestion. 

Fenugreek: Supports a healthy immune system. Aids digestion and is known to be a natural parasite repellent. This herb is known to contain vitamins A, C, and B, calcium, zinc iron, phosphorous, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine and niacin.

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